Large Librarian-at-Large!

About Me
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My Life.... so far!

I was abandoned as a young child, taken in, and raised by two educators.  This of course, warped me horribly, while at the same time instilling a passion for learning and reading (the learning has surfaced much later - ask my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Ortenzi).

Reading was just something that was done in our house.  When I was a wee lad, my mother read me Winnie-the-Pooh, using different voices for each of the characters.  Heaven!  I learned to read before kindergarten, and was involved in forensics, drama, choir and band in high school.

I attended UW-EauClaire my first year and UW-Stout the next, before going on active duty in the US Navy as a Mess Management Specialist (cook, baker and supply petty officer for s2 division).

Returning to Stout after the Navy, I had to work to overcome a really bad GPA.  After graduation, I managed many different restaurants.

Finally, after 20 some years managing restaurants, I went into retail management, eventually finding a job with Borders Books and Music.

The rest is history being made.

Currently I am the Cafe Supervisor and also help on the book floor.  I have joined the ALA (ALSC, YALSA, and  LITA); and the WLA (YSS and MATS).

I like to cook and bake, but I find it hard for one, although I usually have leftovers for lunch at work!  I enjoy music, and am looking forward to finally going to an opera this spring, I think.  I almost became a massage therapist years ago, so I enjoy rubbing people the right way!

Taking a break from work

Joe Dirt at Halloween!

New Books!

I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)


Favorite Movie Genres:

Romantic Comedies, Musicals, Action/Adventure, Drama, Comedies, Westerns, WWII, hmmm.... pretty much  just no horror!

Favorite Music Genres:

Big Band/Swing, Classic Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical, Country and Western.


"Those who don't read, have no advantage over those who can't"
- Mark Twain